The first professional translator of the Swedish-speaking area was the fifteenth-century Finland- Swedish monk Jöns Budde, considered to have been the first prolific man of letters in Finland. Budde stands out beyond comparison as the most prominent follower of the Bridgetine tradition that originated from the Monastery of Vadstena, Sweden, and its Finnish branch in Nådendal. These institutions left their distinctive mark on late Medieval development in several areas of culture, with influences that resonated into modern times…
[Fortsätt ...]Serie: Serie 1. Svenska skrifter
Bengt R. Jonsson (†): Erikskrönikans diktare – ett försök till identifiering
The primary aim of this book is to attempt to identify the author of Eric’s Chronicle. Previous argumentation regarding who commissioned the Chronicle has not been impartial, which has also obscured the issue of its authorship. Here it is argued that the instigator was lawspeaker Birger Persson, father of Saint Bridget. With regard to the issue of authorship, the general opinion has been that the author was to be found within the circle close to Duke Eric and Duke Valdemar. Despite this, no researcher has previously considered the solution that lies closest to hand, namely that the author was the Duke’s own secretary. His name was Tyrgils Kristineson …
[Fortsätt ...]Börje Westlund: Svenska fornskriftsällskapet 1944–1993
Svenska fornskriftsällskapet (The Old Swedish Society) was founded as a non-profit association in 1844 for the purpose of publishing documents written in Swedish and Latin and composed in Sweden before about 1600, together with learned works dealing with such documents.
[Fortsätt ...]Inger Lindell: Brev i Vadstena klosters arkiv 1368–1375
Inger Lindell, Brev i Vadstena klosters arkiv 1368–1375. Samlingar utgivna av Svenska fornskriftsällskapet. Serie 1. Svenska skrifter 92. Uppsala 2010. 164 pp. ISBN 978-91-976118-5-5. Abstract This work describes the writing practices of the Vadstena Abbey as they appear in the oldest extant charters of the Abbey. The Abbey is known for the extensive production of [Fortsätt …]
Serie 1:1–91
En komplett förteckning över volymerna 1–91 i serie 1, Svenska skrifter.
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